Thursday, May 29, 2014

***Giveaway*** 3 Day Shakeology Cleanse Pack

Have I told you how much I LOVE Shakeology???  Well, I do!  It's AMAZING stuff!  It helps curb cravings, increase energy and lose weight!  I really want you to try it if you haven't.  I think you'll love it too. I'm getting ready to start a 10 Day Shakeology Challenge on June 16 and this is to kick it off!  If you are interested in getting more info on the Challenge, click HERE!

I'm giving away a 3 Day Shakeology Cleanse Pack.  This is great if you trying to Jump Start Your Fitness, Break a Plateau, or Shred Pounds Fast & Effectively in a Healthy Way!  I did this Cleanse myself and these were my results!

9 Packets of Shakeology (mixed flavors)
3 Day Cleanse Guide
Shakeology DVD
Shaker Cup

Green Tea Packets

Enter to win below!  Giveaway ends on June 4 at 7PM EST.  Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Spinach Lasagna Roll Ups - 21 Day Fix Recipe


While I am not going to take this post down because I know so many people love it, I am NO LONGER a Beachbody Coach.  I still love Beachbody workouts but I now am a Thrive Promoter and it has CHANGED MY LIFE!  I feel better than ever and I don't have to "diet" and feel like I am depriving myself every day.  While I was on the 21 Day Fix I was tired and irritable EVERY DAY because I felt like I wasn't eating enough.  Then when I stopped the 21 Day Fix, all the weight came back.  AND I felt like binge eating.

I LOVE THRIVE and all it has done for me!  I feel better than ever and it's an easy 3 step system that you do first thing in the morning and you are done!  Easy, peasy!  PLEASE go to and check it out for yourself.  Create a free account and have access to all the info you need!

Please feel free to email me at if you want more info or would be interested in trying a sample of Thrive.

Tonight for supper, my daughter and I wanted to try something different for our 21 Day Fix we are doing.  She was craving some Lasagna, so together we came up with this 21 Day Fix Lasagna Roll Up Recipe.  I was cooking for two, so that is how I measured out the recipe.

Spinach Lasagna Roll Ups - 21 Day Fix Style

Servings:  2 - Each serving is 1 Yellow, 1 Red, 2 Green and 1 Blue

4 pieces of Whole Grain Lasagna Noodles (Yellow Container)
2 Red Containers of Light Ricotta Cheese
2 Green Containers of Tomato Sauce
2 Green Containers of Spinach, finely chopped  (I used fresh, bagged Spinach)
2 Blue Containers of Mozzarella Cheese
1 Tbsp. of Wildtree Hearty Spaghetti Sauce Blend (you can also use your own spices in place of this to make it taste like spaghetti sauce)

  1. Boil your Lasagna Noodles for 10 minutes.  Once finished cooking, drain and then lay out on a piece of aluminum foil or wax paper.
  2. While your noodles are boiling, prepare the filling.  Mix together the Ricotta Cheese, Mozzarella Cheese and Spinach in a bowl.
  3. Preheat oven to 400 degrees and prepare a glass casserole dish by spraying with non-stick spray (I used grapeseed oil).
  4. Combine your Tomato Sauce and spices of your choice.
  5. Once noodles are finished spread the cheese mixture onto the noodles evenly and roll them up.
  6. Place them in the prepared casserole dish and pour the sauce over the rolled noodles making sure to cover all surfaces.
  7. Cover the dish in foil and bake for 30 minutes.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Think Yourself Fit

Do you struggle to stick to an exercise program or to eat healthy?  If you do, it may be more in your mind rather than your body.  Living a healthy lifestyle is also a state of mind, not just a physical activity.

Before you begin your next fitness journey, try some of these things to get your brain in sync with what your body wants to do so you can stick to it this time.  (Believe me, I know we all have good intentions and then a lot of times give up on ourselves.)

1.  Write down your reasons for exercise.  Make a list.  What is your motivation?  What do you want out of it?  Be completely honest with yourself. 

2.  Set challenging but achievable goals.  Write down your ULTIMATE goal and then write down mini goals that you can reach along the way to your ultimate goal.  Reward yourself each time you reach a mini goal!

3.  Learn to self-talk.  There will be days when you don't feel like exercising.  Days you want to give up.  You need to counter that negative self-talk with positive, persuasive arguments.  Tell yourself you CAN do it.  Refer back to your motivation and goals and be positive about reaching those goals.  While working out, keep repeating to yourself, "I can do this!"...sounds silly, but it helps SOOOO much!

4.  Stay focused while working out.  Whether you or at the gym, swimming, running or doing a workout DVD, stay in the moment.  Don't let your mind wander to the dishes at home in the sink or the errands you need to run later.  Focus.  Keep sight of what you are doing.

5.  Don't get stuck in a rut, mix it up.  Change up your exercise routines.  Try new things.  Walk one day.  Do a DVD one day.  Swim one day.  Keep it interesting.  

6.  Use positive visualization.  Picture yourself working out before you actually do it.  

7.  Congratulate yourself after your workout.  Reflect on what you achieved. 

Need help getting motivated?  I will be your FREE coach and help YOU!  Just go HERE to join me!