Friday, June 27, 2014

Determine Your Daily Calories

If you want to lose weight, you have have to watch what you eat AND workout.  Here is a guide to figuring out how many calories you should be eating daily to reach your goal weight.  Then once you have reached your goal weight, you can still use this chart, just don't subtract out the 300-500 calories!

Have a great weekend!  If you are looking for a fitness program to fit your needs, please visit my site and feel free to contact me with any questions!  I'd love to be your coach and help you achieve your health and fitness goals!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

21 Day Fix Troubleshooting


While I am not going to take this post down because I know so many people love it, I am NO LONGER a Beachbody Coach.  I still love Beachbody workouts but I now am a Thrive Promoter and it has CHANGED MY LIFE!  I feel better than ever and I don't have to "diet" and feel like I am depriving myself every day.  While I was on the 21 Day Fix I was tired and irritable EVERY DAY because I felt like I wasn't eating enough.  Then when I stopped the 21 Day Fix, all the weight came back.  AND I felt like binge eating.

I LOVE THRIVE and all it has done for me!  I feel better than ever and it's an easy 3 step system that you do first thing in the morning and you are done!  Easy, peasy!  PLEASE go to and check it out for yourself.  Create a free account and have access to all the info you need!

Please feel free to email me at if you want more info or would be interested in trying a sample of Thrive.

Have you been doing the 21 Day Fix, but still haven't lost any weight or inches?  Well, just the other day, I had one of my clients message me saying that she was frustrated because she hadn't seen any results and she was in her 3rd week of the 21 Day Fix.  So, I asked for help from other coaches on my team that had other clients that had experienced the same thing. I had a lot of great feedback from them to give to her and I thought I'd share it here too, because I'm sure there are other people out there having the same experience.  Some of these troubleshooting ideas are even from Autumn Calabrese herself.

So here goes.  Let's troubleshoot!

  2. Are you staying on the meal plan....really?  In other words, NO cheat meals during the 21 Day Fix.  No sneaking little snacks or treats that  you aren't counting.
  3. Are you giving your all during your workouts?  Are you going full force and not just "kinda" doing the workouts or taking longer breaks than you should.
  4. The list of foods to eat are listed in hierarchy.  Are you eating from the top of the list or mostly from the bottom of the list.  You need to be eating mostly from the TOP of the list!  Save the bottom foods for "every once in a while".
  5. Were you calories before you started the 21 Day Fix way off?  If you are supposed to be eating 1200 calories now and before you were eating 3000 calories a could take your body up to 30 days to respond.
  6. Did you weigh and measure yourself at the same time of day under the same conditions?  And for women, have you weighed or measured during your monthly cycle?  That can make a big difference.
  7. Some people don't see results until the 2nd round because it takes their bodies longer to respond.  That could be you, don't give up.  Keep going and do a 2nd round. 
  8. Have you noticed any other differences?  For example, do you have more energy?   Do your clothes fit better?  Do you sleep better?  Those are all great things too and mean you are on the right track.  Keep going!
  9. Did you do before and after photos?  If so, really look at them.  There may be a difference there that you can see but can't measure on the scale or with a tape measure. 
  10. Are you sure you are in the correct calorie bracket.  Double check that if you need to.  It's on page 4 of the eating plan book.
  11. Last, but not least, WATER!!!  Are you drinking enough water?  You should be drinking half your body weight in ounces per day.

I hope these have helped you to figure out what may be going wrong for you.  Really focus on staying on the meal plan, during your workouts full force and drinking your water!

Another option, if you are not feeling motivated enough, is to get into a Challenge Group!  If you already have a Beachbody Coach, then please get with them to find out if they have one currently going that you can join.  If you don't have a coach, but would like to, then please contact me at and I can tell you how to get the program and make me your FREE coach and I will help keep you motivated!

Not sure what the 21 Day Fix is?  Then click HERE to learn more!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

My 21 Day Fix Results!

On May 19, I started the 21 Day Fix along with my 16 year old daughter and my online Challenge Group. I have to say, at the time, I was kind of worried that I wouldn't be able to do it. I was used to eating whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted and in whatever portions I wanted. I LOVE food! And....I have a slight addiction to Sweettarts... :)

 Anyway, I made the commitment to myself to JUST DO IT! And I did. I stopped making excuses of why I couldn't do it and told myself why I could do it. I've never "dieted" or did a workout program for longer than 3 days in my entire 39 years. I hated exercise. Seriously. Not my idea of fun AT ALL. 

Well, I have to tell you that the DVDs were awesome. I actually looked forward to working out every day. It was something different every day...cardio, upper fix, lower fix, pilates, yoga, plyo...and I started seeing results (and feeling them) fast! Awesome! And the food, well, I could really tell the difference there too. My insides felt better. My stomach never hurt and I had more energy (thanks to the Shakeology) and my headaches were gone (I used to have them a lot). I was so much happier and my outlook on life was better. 

So without further ado, here are my results:

I'm down 5.5 lbs and 10 inches!!!  I couldn't even believe it until I saw my pics side by side!

If you want more information on this program visit HERE or you can also email me HERE!  Soon I will be posting my full review and my meals and recipes I used also.  I will also be starting another round soon and would love to have you join my Challenge Group!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Menu Plan Monday - Clean Eating - June 9

Good Morning!  I just got finished with my first round of the 21 Day Fix yesterday, so I'm taking a week off, but still plan on eating clean, so all my suppers will be clean eating recipes that I got from 5 Dinners 1 Hour this week!


  • Breakfast:  Shakeology
  • Lunch:  BBQ Chicken Tacos, Blue Chips & Salsa
  • Dinner: Crispy Garlic Chicken Tenders, Edamame, and Salad
  • Snack:  Greek Yogurt and Mixed Berries w/Granola
  • Breakfast:  Shakeology
  • Lunch:  Tuna Melts & Pretzels
  • Dinner:  Margharita Pizza & Salad
  • Snack:  Fruit & Almonds
  • Breakfast:  Shakeology
  • Lunch:  Hawaiian Roll Ham Sandwiches & Veggies
  • Dinner:  Crockpot Enchilada Chicken Tacos
  • Snack:  Apple Slices & Almond Butter
  • Breakfast:  Shakeology
  • Lunch:  Turkey Hot Dogs, String Cheese & Fruit
  • Dinner:  EAT OUT - My daughter, Ashlyn's, 7th Birthday
  • Breakfast:  Shakeology
  • Lunch:  Peanut Butter Sandwiches, Veggies & Fruit
  • Dinner:  Mini Turkey Meatloaves, Green Beans & Salad
  • Snack:  Ricotta Cheese & Strawberries (Strawberry Cheesecake)
  • Breakfast:  Shakeology
  • Lunch:  Healthy Pancakes & Turkey Bacon
  • Supper:  Pizza (Ashlyn's friend bday party)
  • Snack:  Fruit & Almonds
  • Breakfast:  Shakeology
  • Lunch:  YOYO (You're on Your Own)
  • Supper:  Black Bean Avocado Tacos, Brown Rice & Salad
  • Snack:  Honey Wheat Toast with Almond Butter
Share your Menu Plan and find many more at

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Our New Chore Chart - It's actually working!!!

I will admit, I'm HORRIBLE when it comes to making my kids do chores.  But the problem is, I really want them to do them.  Not just because I think they should do chores, but because I NEED the help.  There are 6 people and 3 dogs living in my house and I can't keep up with everything.  It's just impossible.

I've tried all kinds of systems, and I hate to admit, but I'm the one who didn't keep up with the systems.  Yeah....bad mommy... :(

Anyway, so one day I'm shopping at Target (one of my favorite places of all time) for a white board for my Beachbody business so I can keep track of what I'm doing each day and found this adorable little Chore Chart is the white boards.  I put it in my cart and walked around for a bit and then I went and put it back on the shelf because I thought, I'm never going to keep up with this either and it will be a waste of money.  I headed to the checkout and then something in the back of my mind said, "Chanin, go get the Chore Chart.  You can do it!  You will keep up with this if you decide to."  So, I went back and got the chart.

Here it is!
We've been going strong with this chart for 3 weeks now!!  Woo hoo!  It has been a lifesaver!  We had to adapt it a bit for our needs however.  As you can see, each day has an initial on it.  That is the initial of which kid is supposed to do that chore that day.  We didn't do that at first and it was a fight over who HAD to do the chore that day.  I'd hear, "but I did that yesterday" or "it's not my turn" ALL THE TIME!  Well, now there is no arguing about whose turn it is!  They can just look and see. :)  

The stars are magnetic and each kid gets their own color of star and I got my own color, so if I end up having to do their chore, I get a star and I told them, Mommy better not end up with more stars than you or you lose a privilege for the week (iPad, tv, swimming, etc.).  The rewards are 5 Stars - Candy/Gum (because I rarely buy that stuff for them), 9 Stars - Movie (out with mom or dad), 12 Stars - Shopping ($10 limit).  However, I only give rewards out if they get at least 5 stars the next week.  So say this week they earn 9 stars, which is a movie (oh and they only get to choose 1 reward, so not the movie and the candy/gum), then next week they MUST earn 5 stars to collect their movie reward.  If they don't get 5 stars, they don't get the movie AND they lose a privilege!  So, actually their rewards are 2 weeks behind.  But that works for us to keep them on track and working for their rewards. :)

I will update in a future post to let you know how this is going and if we have modified any more!  Have a great Sunday!

Chanin :)

Thursday, June 5, 2014

21 Day Fix Pizza


While I am not going to take this post down because I know so many people love it, I am NO LONGER a Beachbody Coach.  I still love Beachbody workouts but I now am a Thrive Promoter and it has CHANGED MY LIFE!  I feel better than ever and I don't have to "diet" and feel like I am depriving myself every day.  While I was on the 21 Day Fix I was tired and irritable EVERY DAY because I felt like I wasn't eating enough.  Then when I stopped the 21 Day Fix, all the weight came back.  AND I felt like binge eating.

I LOVE THRIVE and all it has done for me!  I feel better than ever and it's an easy 3 step system that you do first thing in the morning and you are done!  Easy, peasy!  PLEASE go to and check it out for yourself.  Create a free account and have access to all the info you need!

Please feel free to email me at if you want more info or would be interested in trying a sample of Thrive.

Finally!!!  I've been wanting to post my 21 Day Fix Pizza for a while, and just haven't had the time.  It was soooo good though!  I've had it twice during the fix. :)  Here's the recipe for you!

21 Day Fix Pizza

Servings: 1 - 1 Yellow - 1 Red - 1 Blue - 2 Green

1 Whole Wheat Flat Out Flat Bread - Yellow
1 Red Container of Shredded Chicken
1 Blue Container of Mozzarella Cheese
1 Green Container of Tomato Sauce (with spices) & Tomatoes
1 Green Container of Mushrooms, Onions or other veggies


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Put Flat Out Flat Bread on a baking stone or pan.  Mix up your tomato sauce with some spices for the pizza sauce.  Spices are free and I suggest using some basil, oregano, garlic, and parsley, but whatever you want to use is fine. Spread the tomato sauce on the pizza and then top with tomatoes, chicken, mushrooms and other veggies you choose.  Lastly, top with Mozzarella cheese and bake in the oven for 10-12 minutes or until cheese is melted and hot.

I actually folded mine over and ate it with a fork and knife.  SOOOO  DELICIOUS!!!  I'd love to hear if you try it and what your different variations were. 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Do you love to dance??

Shaun T will make you sweat this month!!!

Most of you have heard of Shaun T, right?  Well, I was doing his newest program Focus T25 before I started doing the 21 Day Fix that I'm doing right now.  I LOVE Shaun T!  He is awesome and motivating!

This month you can get not one but TWO of Beachbody’s best-selling workouts – Hip Hop Abs and Rockin’ Body for only $140!  So you are getting your Shakeology and then the workout programs for only $10 more dollars!!!  Awesome!!

This program is ideal for you if you love to dance and hate working out because both programs have
you dancing off the pounds while having FUN.

Hip Hop Abs is Beachbody’s fitness program that helps you sculpt flat, sexy abs while dancing and having
fun. With Shaun T’s targeted training technique “Tilt, Tuck, & Tighten,” you simultaneously activate and 
engage your upper abs, middle abs, lower abs and obliques, carving six-pack abs while fat melts off the 
body. The best part of Hip Hop Abs is you get great results without ever doing a single crunch or sit-up. 

Rockin’ Body continues the dance party with workouts set to your favorite hits so you can move and 
groove to shed the pounds. Shaun T demonstrates all the moves before you are expected to do them so 
you can learn and master the routines and stay engaged and motivated.

To order your Shaun T Dance Challenge Pack click HERE!